Croatian Phrase Book

​​This searchable glossary contains a variety of lingua-cultural expressions and conversational phrases—including idioms, idiomatic expressions, collocations, and phrases —featured in the Tako lako textbook. Use this tool to search for idiomatic expressions covered in class, as they play an important role in all areas of communicative competence. Each entry provides an English translation along with essential context to guide you on when to use these expressions effectively. Keep in mind that many Croatian expressions may not translate directly into English or may lack an exact English equivalent.

UnitCollocations and idiomsEnglish TranslationComment (when to use it)
2Grad moje mladosti.City of my youth.Used when referring to one’s hometown, or the city where they grew up.
2Jednog dana…One day…Used when speculating (usually longingly) about the future.
2Pozdrav, ekipa!Hey guys!A casual greeting used when addressing a group of friends.
2Ma šala…Just kiddingUsed to indicate that a previous statement was meant as a joke.
2Šteta.What a shame.Used to express regret or disappointment.
2Imam dosta posla.I have a lot of work.Used to convey that one is busy.
2Super! Vrlo rado.Great! Gladly.Used to express enthusiasm or willingness to do something.
2Jedva čekam!I can hardly wait!Used to express excitement or anticipation for something.
2To je običaj.It’s custom/tradition.Used to explain that something is a customary practice.
2Tamo su svi sređeni.Everyone is dressed to the nines.Describes a place where it’s culturally important to value fashion
2U gradu svi prate modu.everyone follows fashion in the cityDescribes a city where keeping up with fashions and trends is the norm
2Važno je biti sređen.It’s important to be dressed upused to say that you can’t go somewhere without looking nice
2Važno je biti viđen.It’s important to be seenDescribes an event or culture where making an appearance is important
2Itekako.Absolutely.Used to confirm or emphasize agreement.
3Kakav otac, takav sin.Like father, like son.Used to indicate a similarity between a father and his son.
3Baš se veselim!I’m really looking forward to it!Used to express excitement and anticipation.
3Krv nije voda.Blood is thicker than water.Used to express the idea that family bonds are strong.
3Oni/One su kao pas i mačka.They fight like cats and dogs.Describes two people who constantly argue or fight.
3Stambeno pitanje.Living situationGenerally refers to housing related subjects (with whom someone lives, the size/condition of their housing, etc)
3A čiji si ti?And whose are you?Generally asks someone where they come from and who their family is
3Ne gnjavi (me)!Don’t bother (me)!Telling someone to leave you alone
3Slika i prilika.The spitting image.Used to describe someone who closely resembles another person in appearance and/or behavior.
3Jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla.The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.Used to suggest that a child inherits traits or characteristics from their parents.
3Kao jaje jajetu.Like two peas in a pod.Used to describe two things or people that are extremely similar or identical.
3Ne želim doći praznih ruku.I don’t want to come empty-handed.Used to express the intention to bring a gift or something of value when visiting someone.
4Dome, slatki dome.Home, sweet home.Used to express the comfort or happiness of being at home.
4Izgleda kao da je bomba pala.It looks like a bomb went off.Used to express how messy and disorganized a space or situation is.
4Sve je tip-top.Everything’s in orderUsed to express that everything is in perfect order or excellent condition.
4Ti imaš oko za detalje.You have an eye for detail.Used to compliment one’s attention to small detail.
4Ti si umjetnička duša.You have an artistic soul.Used to compliment one’s deep inclination towards art and creativity.
4Nije rekla/rekao ni a, ni b.They said nothing.Somebody is keeping their mouth shut for one reason or another (often out of rudness or standoffishness)
4Pao mi je mrak na oči.I started seeing redWhen somebody gets incredibly mad
4Nismo se vidjeli sto godina.It’s been a minute.Used jokingly to express that it has been a long time since two people met or saw each other.
4Trči ovamo, trči onamo.Running around all over the placeUsed to describe someone who is constantly on the move or busy with various activities.
5Sve najbolje ti želim!I wish you all the best!Used to express goodwill and wishes towards someone.
5Sretan rođendan!Happy Birthday!A standard greeting used to wish someone a happy birthday.
5Sretna Nova godina!Happy New Year!A standard greeting used to wish someone a happy New Year.
5Joj, ma zašto? Stvarno nisi trebao.Oh, but why? You shouldn’t have!Response when somebody gives you a gift
5To je samo mali znak pažnje.It’s just a little somethingHumble response when somebody thanks you for a gift.
5Ma to je samo sitnica.Oh, it’s just a little something.Humble response when somebody thanks you for a gift.
5Hvala, nisi trebao/trebala.Thank you, you didn’t have to.Used to express gratitude when someone does something for you.
5Od viška glava ne boli.You can’t have too much of a good excess of something enjoyable or beneficial is not a problem.
5Hvala ti, ali ne želim smetati.Thank you, but I don’t want to bother you.Used to politely decline an offer or assistance to avoid inconveniencing someone.
5Ma šta ti je!Oh, what’s wrong with you!Used to express surprise or confusion about someone’s behavior or attitude.
5Grad izgleda kao iz bajke.The city looks like it’s from a fairytale.Used to describe a city that is decorated from top to bottom, especially in relation to the holiday season
5Pravo božićno raspoloženje.A real Christmas spirit.Describes somebody in a festive holiday mood
5Pravi božićni ugođaj.A real Christmas vibe.Describes a festive holiday atmosphere
5Meni je svejedno.It’s all the same to me.Used to express indifference or lack of preference.
5Ma ništa bitno.Oh nothing important,Used to downplay the significance or importance of something.
6Hoćeš-nećeš, moraš.Whether you like it or not, you have to.You say this to somebody who has to do something they don’t want to do
6Tko će koma ako ne svoj svome.If you don’t help your own, no one will.refers to people in your life who will help you out when you need it
6Tko voli nek’ izvoli.To each their ownExpresses the idea that everybody has their own taste/preferences
6Odijelo ne čini čovjeka.Don’t judge a book by its cover.You can’t know who people are based on appearances
6Sedma umjetnost.The seventh art.Refers to the film industry or cinema as a form of artistic expression.
6Peglati karticu.Shop till you dropRefers to an excessive amount of shopping
6Svašta nešto.All kinds of stuffUsed when talking about a variety of different objects
6Trči vamo, trči tamo.Running here, running thereUsed to describe someone who is constantly on the move or busy with various activities.
6Luda kuća.It’s a madhouseDescribes when a situation is hectic for one reason or another
6Ne pitaj.Don’t askUsed to express that somebody doesn’t want to discuss the issue further
6Ništa mi ne govori.Tell me about itIndicates that you understand and sympathize with somebody
6Potreban mi je tvoj savjet.I need your adviceUsed to ask someone for their guidance or opinion on a matter.
6Ma sve pet.It’s all goodUsed to express that everything is fine or good.
6Da ti pravo kažem, ništa pametno.To tell you the truth, nothing special.Used to indicate that the speaker has done nothing interesting.
6Dosta mi je svega.I’ve had enough.Used to express frustration or weariness with a situation or circumstances.
6Ne moraš reći dva puta.You don’t have to say it twice.Used to indicate that the speaker understands and will promptly comply with a request or instruction.
6Nismo se čuli/čule sto godina.I haven’t heard from you in a while.Used jokingly to imply that it has been a long time since two people communicated or were in touch.
6Ne znam baš…I don’t know exactlyUsed to express uncertainty or hesitation about something.
6Hvala ti! Baš si srce.Thank you! You’re a sweetheart.Used to express gratitude and appreciation for someone’s kindness or generosity.
7Ako se slažeš…If you agree…Used when you’re proposing an idea but leaving it up to the other person
7Ne znam gdje mi je glava.I don’t know where my head is atUsed to express general confusion or exhaustion
7Strpljen-spašen.Good things come to those who waitOne is better off if they can put off instant gratification
7Ne želim ti stavljati sol na ranu.I don’t want to rub salt in your wound.Used to express empathy and sensitivity to someone in a bad situation.
7Blago tebi.Lucky you!Expression of approval, admiration, or envy
7Biti privjesak.To be a third wheel.Used to express discomfurt at being a third party to a couple or pair on events or outings.
7Biti spreman za akciju.Be ready.Used to inform someone or to express that they are ready for an event or action.
7Šteta!A shame!Used to express disappointment or regret about a situation.
7Da bar!If only!Used to express a desire for something that is unlikely or impossible to happen.
7Oduvijek mi je bio san vidjeti…It has always been my dream to see…Used to express a long-held desire or aspiration to travel somewhere or see something.
7Oni/One vole imati sve pod kontrolom.They’re control freaksDescribes people who can be domineering and need to have things under their control
7Planiram svaku minutu.I plan every minute.Used to indicate that someone has a meticulous or detailed approach to organizing their time.
7Sve mora biti po planu i programu.Everything has to go according to plan.Used when things need to operate according to a precise plan or schedule.
7Joj, kako vrijeme leti.Oh, how time flies.Used to express surprise or nostalgia about how quickly time passes.
7Možemo kamo hoćemo.We can go wherever we want.Used to express freedom or flexibility in choosing a destination or course of action.
7Nećemo sada o tome.We won’t talk about it now.Used to divert or postpone a conversation or discussion.
7Neće mi biti ništa!I’ll be fine!Dismisses concerns about a potential negative outcome.
7Baš se veselim!I’m really looking forward to it!Used to express excitement and anticipation.
7Pametno!Clever!Used to acknowledge when someone has said/done something smart
7Srećom…Luckily…Expresses relief about something
7Pa i ne baš…Not exactly…Used to express a mild disagreement or reservation about something.
7Svuda pođi, ali kući dođi.There Is No Place Like HomeEmphasizes the importance of returning to one’s home, regardless of travels or adventures.
7Svakog gosta tri dana dosta.Any Guest Wears Out his Welcome in Time.Suggests that guests should not overstay their welcome and should leave after a certain period of time.
7Put pod noge.Let’s rollUsed when leaving somewhere or heading out.
8‘Ko to može platit’.It’s priceless.Expresses that something is unique and irreplaceable
8Ajme, oprostite!Oh excuse me!Used to apologize or show politeness when interrupting or making a mistake.
8Stvarno se ispričavam.I sincerely apologize.Used to express a formal apology.
8Gladan/-na i žedan/-na sam.I’m hungry and thirstySay it when you’re hungry and thirsty.
8Muku mučim (što pripremiti).I’m agonizing about what to makeUse when you’re stressed out about figuring out what to bring to an event or party.
8Ne želim doći praznih ruku.I don’t want to come empty-handed.Used to express the intention to bring a gift or something of value when visiting someone.
8Rođen spreman! (m) / Rođena spremna. (f)I was born ready!Used to express excitment and/or preparedness.
8Mamin sin.Mamma’s boy.Used to describe a male who is excessively attached to his mother and relies on her for support.
8Ma čekaj!Hold the phone!Used to express surprise or disbelief.
8Svašta!Oh, come on!Used to express surprise, disbelief, or disagreement.
8Ja ću po svome…I’ll do it my way…Used to assert independence or a personal approach to doing something
8Ti nisi normalna/normalan.You’re crazyUsed playfully to express that someone is unique, eccentric, or has an unconventional personality.
8Ona je prava dama.She is a real lady.Used to describe a woman who embodies stereotypically feminine qualities.
8Ljubav prolazi kroz želudac.Love goes through the stomach.Expresses the idea that cooking or providing food for someone is a way to show love and affection.
8Samo trenutak.Just a moment.Used to request a brief pause or to indicate that one needs a moment to attend to something.
9U zdravom tijelu zdrav duh.Healthy body, healthy mind.Emphasizes the importance of physical health for mental well-being.
9Uživaj!Enjoy!Used to wish someone to have a good time or experience enjoyment.
9Jesi živ/živa?Are you alive?Used jokingly to ask if someone is doing alright.
9On/Ona kad krene ne odustaje.Once they get going, they don’t stop.An expression used to describe a determined person who persists in pursuing their goals or ambitions.
9Ma sve pet!It’s all good!Used to express that everything is fine or satisfactory.
9Toga me je strah.That’s what I’m afraid of.Expresses concern about something
9Svaka čast!Great work.used to compliment somebody
9[Nogometom] se bavim od malih nogu.I’ve been involved since I was littleWhen you’ve been doing something since you were a kid
9Ma ništa.It’s nothing.Used to downplay the significance or importance of something.
9Mrtav umoran. (m) / Mrtva umorna. (f)Dead tired.Describes a state of extreme exhaustion or fatigue.
9Što prije.As soon as possible.An expression used to indicate urgency.
9Spasila si me.You saved me.Expresses gratitude for someone who helped or rescued you
9San mi je…I dream of…Used to express desire or longing.
9Nego šta.For sure.Used to emphasize agreement or affirmation.
9Ne znam gdje mi je glava.I’m all over the placeUsed when you’re busy and your life is chaotic and disorderly
9Bole me sve kosti.Everything hurtsExpresses being in pain or experiencing body aches.
10Mi o vuku, vuk na vrata.Speak of the devil.Used when you’re talking about somebody and then they show up
10Sad sam na konju.I’m back on track.Use when you’re in a better position than before
10Ne budi crna ovca.Don’t be the black sheep.Advises someone not to stand out or deviate from the norm in a negative way
10Ne budi konj.Don’t be an idiot.Used to admonish someone for acting foolishly or making unwise choices.
10Spor/spora si k’o puž.You’re going at a snail’s pace!Say to somebody who’s going really slowly
10Ti imaš oko sokolovo.You have eyes like a hawk.Compliments someone’s keen observation skills or ability to notice even small details.
10Ona je prava zmija.She’s a snake.Describes someone as cunning, deceptive, or untrustworthy.
10Nekad (ti) je jezik brži od pameti.Sometimes your tongue is faster than your brain.Indicates that someone speaks before thinking and maybe says things they’ll regret.
10Jednim udarcem dvije muhe.Killing two birds with one stone.Describes accomplishing two things at the same time or solving two problems with a single action.
10Drži jezik za zubima.Watch your mouthEncourages someone to remain silent or refrain from speaking out impulsively or inappropriately.
10Ukrala/Ukrao si mi riječ iz usta.You stole the words right out of my mouth.Expresses strong agreement with somebody
10Ima svašta nešto.There’s all sorts of things.An expression used to indicate a wide range or variety of things or situations.
10Osjećam se kao svoj na svome.I feel like I’m in my own place.Expresses comfort or a sense of belonging in a particular environment or situation.
10Znamo se sto godina.We’ve known each other forever.Used to express a long-standing familiarity or close relationship with someone.
10Budim se s pijetlovima.I wake up at the crack of dawnUsed to convey that someone wakes up very early in the morning.
10Neće knjige pobjeći.Your homework will still be thereUsed to encourage someone to take a break from working
10Živa si! / Živ si!You’re alive!Used to express relief or joy upon seeing someone safe and well.
10Ti nikako na zelenu granu.You will never get aheadIt conveys a sense of doubt or skepticism about someone’s ability to achieve success or improve their situation.
10Cvena je kao rak.Red as a beet.Used to describe someone’s flushed or reddened face, typically due to embarrassment, sunburn, or overheating.
10U pravu si.You’re right.Used to acknowledge that someone’s statement or opinion is correct.
10Tolika je gužva da je čovjek na čovjeku.Packed like sardines.Describes a situation where there are too many people in a confined space.
10Gužva u prometu.Traffic jam.Describes a situation where there is a lot of traffic congestion or heavy traffic.
10Nemam pojma.I have no idea.Used to express a lack of knowledge or understanding about something.
10Napraviti prvi korak.Take the leap.Encourages someone to initiate or begin a process or action.